Dec 1, 2011

Summer 2012

With email votes added into the survey responses, The Enchantments hike won out over all others by two votes. I will be preparing to submit a permit bid when the window opens in Feb or March. I also solidified my schedule this week and it looks like I will be able to do the hike on 23-26 or 27 of June... we can plan a sacrament meeting for Sunday similar to last summer if that works for everybody. Additionally, for those interested, I am tentatively planning on climbing Rainier on 3-5 August, 3-4 August with 5 August being an extra day in case of extreme weather etc. So with the above dates in mind please leave a comment as to your availability to come so I can start the logistical planning.

**If we don't get an Enchantments permit in the lottery, I'm thinking we could just as easily shift to the Foss lakes hike also in the Alpine Wilderness area or do the complete Olympic Peninsula coast hike. Both are great.


  1. These plans sound great. I am up for both trips. I am gone though arriving home on the 24th of June, so 25th would be better, or I could make a later start on the 24th, as I beleive we arrive in Seattle at 8 AM.


  2. Both work for me. I want to add the extra day on Rainier now though b/c I remember how depleted I was at the end of the second day last time...I mean, who's gonna cook me my dinner while I rest in my sleeping bag if we have to pack it out entirely that day?! Then again, Greg won't be able to come, so there is a chance I might sleep this time...

  3. Count me in for both. Can we dramatize a rescue from a crevasse? That's always been high on my list.
